RGB Color Mode
Standard colors in Photoshop using RGB color mode, put the intensity of a value for each pixel. In 8-bit per channel images, the intensity value ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white) for each RGB (red, green, blue) color components in the picture. For example, bright red color might have an R value of 246, a G value of 20, and B value of 50. If the value of the same three components, the result is a shadow of a neutral gray. If the values of all components is 255, the result will be white and clean; when the value of 0, would be pure black.
RGB images use three colors or channels (channels) to produce colors on the screen. In 8-bit per channel images, the three channels translate to 24 (8 bits x 3 channels) bits per pixel color information. With 24-bit images, which can generate three channels to 16.7 million colors per pixel. With 48-bit (16-bits per channel) and 96-bit (32-bits per channel) images, even more reproducible color per pixel. Besides the default mode for new Photoshop images, RGB model used by computer monitors to display colors. This means that when working in color modes other than RGB, such as CMYK, Photoshop interpolates the CMYK image to RGB for display on the screen.
Although RGB is a standard color model, the right to represent the various colors can vary, depending on the application or Monitor. RGB color mode in Photoshop vary according to the workspace settings that you specify in the Color Settings dialog box (Color Settings) ..
CMYK Color Mode
In CMYK mode, each pixel is given a percentage score for each process tints. The lightest (highlight) colors are assigned small percentage of the color ink, the dark (shadow) colors higher percentages. For example, bright red might contain 2% cyan, magenta 93%, 90% Yellow, and Black 0%. In CMYK images, pure white is produced after all there are four components of value 0%.
Using the CMYK mode when preparing an image to be printed by using the color / ink process. Conversion RGB images to CMYK to make the separation of colors (color separation). If you start with an RGB image, it is best to edit in RGB mode and then converted to CMYK at the end of the process. In RGB mode, you can use the Soft Proof Colors (ctrl + Y) to simulate the effects of a CMYK conversion without changing the original image data. You can also use CMYK mode to work directly with CMYK images scanned or imported from high-end systems.
Although CMYK is the standard color model, the right to represent the various colors can vary, depending on printing conditions (ink and type of paper used). CMYK color mode in Photoshop vary according to the workspace settings that you specify in the Color Settings dialog box (Color Settings).
Lab Color Mode
The CIE L * a * b * color model (Lab) based on human color perception. Lab values in the figures explain all the colors that people used to seeing. Since the Lab color explains how
colors appear on a certain number of colors needed devices (such as monitors, desktop printers, or digital camera) to produce color, Color Lab is considered as a device-independent color model.
Lab Color Mode has a lighting component (L) which can range from 0 to 100. In the Adobe Color Picker and color palette, then the component (red-green axis) and component b (blue-yellow axis) can range from 127 to -128.
Lab images can be saved in Photoshop, Photoshop EPS, Large Document Format (PSB), Photoshop, PDF, Photoshop Raw, TIFF, Photoshop DCS 1.0, or Photoshop DCS 2.0 format. You can save 48-bit (16-bits per channel) Lab images in Photoshop, Large Document Format (PSB), Photoshop, PDF, Photoshop Raw, or TIFF format.
Note: The DCS 1.0 and DCS 2.0 formats convert files to CMYK when opened.
Grayscale Color Mode
Using various modes grayscale Shades of gray in the pictures. In 8-bit images, should not be up to 256 shades of gray. Each pixel of the grayscale image has a brightness value ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white). In the 16 and 32-bit images, the number of shades in this picture much bigger than the 8-bit images. Grayscale values can also be calculated as a percentage of black ink coverage (0% equal to the white, 100% to black). Grayscale using various modes are determined by the workspace settings that you specify in the Color Settings dialog box (Color Settings) ..
Bitmap Color Mode
Bitmap mode using one of two color values (black or white) to represent a pixel in the image. Images in Bitmap mode are called bitmapped 1-bit images because there is little depth of 1.
Duotone color mode
Duotone mode is used to create a monotone, duotone (two-color), tritone (three colors), and quadtone (four-color) grayscale images using one to four custom inks.
Indexed Color Mode
Indexed Color mode to produce 8-bit image files up to 256 colors. When converting to indexed color, Photoshop color table building (Clutter), which stores and indexes the colors in the picture. If the colors in the original image does not appear in the table, the program chose the closest one or uses dithering to simulate the color using the available colors.
Although a limited color palette, color index can reduce the file size but still maintain the visual quality needed for multimedia presentations, web pages, and others. Limited color editing in this mode. Extensive editing, you need to change the RGB mode for a while. Indexed color files can be saved in Photoshop, BMP, DICOM, GIF, Photoshop EPS, Large Document Format (PSB), PCX, Photoshop, PDF, Photoshop Raw, Photoshop 2.0, PICT, PNG, Targa, TIFF or format.
Multichannel mode
Multichannel mode images contain 256 levels of gray in each channel and is useful for specialized printing. Multichannel mode images can be saved in Photoshop, Large Document Format (PSB), Photoshop 2.0, Photoshop Raw, or Photoshop DCS 2.0 format.
These guidelines apply when converting images to Multichannel mode:
Color channels in the original image become spot color channels in the converted image. Convert a CMYK image to Multichannel mode creates cyan, magenta, yellow, black and spot channels. Conversion RGB image to Multichannel mode creates cyan, magenta, and yellow spot channels. Removing channels from RGB, CMYK, or Lab image automatically converts the image to Multichannel mode.
source: adobe photoshop CS3 tutorials
Standard colors in Photoshop using RGB color mode, put the intensity of a value for each pixel. In 8-bit per channel images, the intensity value ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white) for each RGB (red, green, blue) color components in the picture. For example, bright red color might have an R value of 246, a G value of 20, and B value of 50. If the value of the same three components, the result is a shadow of a neutral gray. If the values of all components is 255, the result will be white and clean; when the value of 0, would be pure black.
RGB images use three colors or channels (channels) to produce colors on the screen. In 8-bit per channel images, the three channels translate to 24 (8 bits x 3 channels) bits per pixel color information. With 24-bit images, which can generate three channels to 16.7 million colors per pixel. With 48-bit (16-bits per channel) and 96-bit (32-bits per channel) images, even more reproducible color per pixel. Besides the default mode for new Photoshop images, RGB model used by computer monitors to display colors. This means that when working in color modes other than RGB, such as CMYK, Photoshop interpolates the CMYK image to RGB for display on the screen.
Although RGB is a standard color model, the right to represent the various colors can vary, depending on the application or Monitor. RGB color mode in Photoshop vary according to the workspace settings that you specify in the Color Settings dialog box (Color Settings) ..
CMYK Color Mode
In CMYK mode, each pixel is given a percentage score for each process tints. The lightest (highlight) colors are assigned small percentage of the color ink, the dark (shadow) colors higher percentages. For example, bright red might contain 2% cyan, magenta 93%, 90% Yellow, and Black 0%. In CMYK images, pure white is produced after all there are four components of value 0%.
Using the CMYK mode when preparing an image to be printed by using the color / ink process. Conversion RGB images to CMYK to make the separation of colors (color separation). If you start with an RGB image, it is best to edit in RGB mode and then converted to CMYK at the end of the process. In RGB mode, you can use the Soft Proof Colors (ctrl + Y) to simulate the effects of a CMYK conversion without changing the original image data. You can also use CMYK mode to work directly with CMYK images scanned or imported from high-end systems.
Although CMYK is the standard color model, the right to represent the various colors can vary, depending on printing conditions (ink and type of paper used). CMYK color mode in Photoshop vary according to the workspace settings that you specify in the Color Settings dialog box (Color Settings).
Lab Color Mode
The CIE L * a * b * color model (Lab) based on human color perception. Lab values in the figures explain all the colors that people used to seeing. Since the Lab color explains how
colors appear on a certain number of colors needed devices (such as monitors, desktop printers, or digital camera) to produce color, Color Lab is considered as a device-independent color model.
Lab Color Mode has a lighting component (L) which can range from 0 to 100. In the Adobe Color Picker and color palette, then the component (red-green axis) and component b (blue-yellow axis) can range from 127 to -128.
Lab images can be saved in Photoshop, Photoshop EPS, Large Document Format (PSB), Photoshop, PDF, Photoshop Raw, TIFF, Photoshop DCS 1.0, or Photoshop DCS 2.0 format. You can save 48-bit (16-bits per channel) Lab images in Photoshop, Large Document Format (PSB), Photoshop, PDF, Photoshop Raw, or TIFF format.
Note: The DCS 1.0 and DCS 2.0 formats convert files to CMYK when opened.
Grayscale Color Mode
Using various modes grayscale Shades of gray in the pictures. In 8-bit images, should not be up to 256 shades of gray. Each pixel of the grayscale image has a brightness value ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white). In the 16 and 32-bit images, the number of shades in this picture much bigger than the 8-bit images. Grayscale values can also be calculated as a percentage of black ink coverage (0% equal to the white, 100% to black). Grayscale using various modes are determined by the workspace settings that you specify in the Color Settings dialog box (Color Settings) ..
Bitmap Color Mode
Bitmap mode using one of two color values (black or white) to represent a pixel in the image. Images in Bitmap mode are called bitmapped 1-bit images because there is little depth of 1.
Duotone color mode
Duotone mode is used to create a monotone, duotone (two-color), tritone (three colors), and quadtone (four-color) grayscale images using one to four custom inks.
Indexed Color Mode
Indexed Color mode to produce 8-bit image files up to 256 colors. When converting to indexed color, Photoshop color table building (Clutter), which stores and indexes the colors in the picture. If the colors in the original image does not appear in the table, the program chose the closest one or uses dithering to simulate the color using the available colors.
Although a limited color palette, color index can reduce the file size but still maintain the visual quality needed for multimedia presentations, web pages, and others. Limited color editing in this mode. Extensive editing, you need to change the RGB mode for a while. Indexed color files can be saved in Photoshop, BMP, DICOM, GIF, Photoshop EPS, Large Document Format (PSB), PCX, Photoshop, PDF, Photoshop Raw, Photoshop 2.0, PICT, PNG, Targa, TIFF or format.
Multichannel mode
Multichannel mode images contain 256 levels of gray in each channel and is useful for specialized printing. Multichannel mode images can be saved in Photoshop, Large Document Format (PSB), Photoshop 2.0, Photoshop Raw, or Photoshop DCS 2.0 format.
These guidelines apply when converting images to Multichannel mode:
Color channels in the original image become spot color channels in the converted image. Convert a CMYK image to Multichannel mode creates cyan, magenta, yellow, black and spot channels. Conversion RGB image to Multichannel mode creates cyan, magenta, and yellow spot channels. Removing channels from RGB, CMYK, or Lab image automatically converts the image to Multichannel mode.
source: adobe photoshop CS3 tutorials
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